Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Kitchen Tricks: Pomegranate Seeds

pomegranate seed removal

Oh boy, do I love eating pomegranate. However, it can be a super pain just thinking of how much effort goes into being able to eat these delicious seeds. I’m going to share with you how I remove those seeds quickly and easily.

Step 1: Score a line with a knife along the equator of the pomegranate, as if you were going to cut the fruit in half. 

Step 2: Use your fingers to pull the pomegranate in half, by placing them along the scored line and pulling in opposite directions.

Step 3: Loosen the seeds by gently pulling on the edges all the way around each half.

Step 4: Place one half of the fruit in your hand, with the seeds facing your palm. Hold your hand over a large bowl filled with water.

Step 5: Smack the outer skin of the fruit with a wooden spoon and watch as the seeds fall. If any of the pulp falls it will float to the top of the water so you can easily remove it.

Step 6: Drain your seeds and enjoy!

pomegranate seeds

wooden spoon deseed pomegranate

pomegranate seeds

If you want to save some seeds for awhile you can freeze them, by placing them in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Once frozen, pour into a zippered freezer bag. I hope this post was helpful. If you have any tips about removing pomegranate seeds share them in the comment section below. If you missed my last kitchen trick check it out here.

pomegranate seeds

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